However, if the calorie store drops to zero at any point, the timer is reset, and the player must once again maintain at least one calorie in store for 72 hours to become Well Fed again. After 72 hours, the player will become Well Fed. The goal is to simply ensure that there are always at least a few calories stored. If there are even a few calories in the player’s stomach, the reading will be ravenous. Starving is when a player’s calorie store drops to zero. Well Fed in The Long Dark simply means that the character hasn’t been starving in more than 72 hours, or three in-game days. Below, I’ll explain what Well Fed is and how it can be used to a player’s advantage. The Long Dark recently received a major update that focused primarily on UI changes and an overhaul to its story mode, but a sneaky little Well-Fed buff was also added, addressing the food and hunger meta in a genius way.